Prices and conditions comparative overview


According to Section 54(2) of the Act on Electronic Communications, CTU publishes an “Overview of current prices, quality and conditions in the provision of a publicly available telephone service” (hereinafter referred to as the “Comparative Overview”) with regard to the business undertakings that provide such a service. CTU points out that the information presented in the Comparative Overview draws on the data which business undertakings that provide such a publicly available telephone service submit for the purposes of this overview.

The Comparative Overview is divided into separate parts: “Comparative Overview of Prices and Conditions”, “Comparative Overview of Quality” and “Comparative Overview of Current International Roaming Prices”.

The Comparative Overviews in question are intended for the end users of a publicly available telephone service to help them choose a provider of services and select a price offer. The Comparative Overview helps users make an overall comparison of prices, quality and other conditions offered by the providers of a publicly available telephone service from the user's perspective.

More detailed information is available in Czech language only and can be reached by clicking „CZ“ in the upper right corner.
